ISO 11451

ISO 11451-1 standard describes the general conditions for determining, operating, practical instructions, and fundamental principles of vehicle tests used in the distribution of ISO 11451 series, independently assessing the susceptibility of passenger and commercial vehicles to electromagnetic energy emissions (e.g., spark-ignition engine, diesel engine, or electric motor) that are narrow-band free. Disturbances transmitted to electrical energy may encounter continuous narrow-band potential fields. ISO 11451 series allows for a wide frequency range (0.01 MHz to 18,000 MHz) for insulation testing in the series.

ISO 11451-2 standard is classified as a test method for independently verifying the immunity of passenger cars and commercial vehicles against electrical disturbances originating from external radiation sources in vehicle verification testing. Disturbances transmitted to electrical energy may occur with narrow-band potential fields.

ISO 11451-3 standard distributes a test method for independently detecting the immunity of passenger cars and commercial vehicles from external antennas and integrated antenna portable transmitters connected to the vehicle guidance system.

ISO 11451-4 standard establishes bulk current injection test methods in an electronic environment for passenger cars and commercial vehicles independently of the warranty page to determine immunity to disturbances transmitted to electrical energy, which may encounter continuous narrow-band potential fields.

ISO 11451-5 standard describes a reverberation chamber method for independently conducting immunity tests (external radiation sources) on passenger cars and commercial vehicles for the vehicle commitment process. The device under test, along with a cable harness, is subjected to an efficiency degradation produced inside the reverberation chamber, with or without capacitors, either in or out of temperature. It can be applied to disturbances in continuous narrow-band fields.

The ISO 11451 standard “Road vehicles – Test methods for vehicles subjected to portable electromagnetic disturbances from narrow-band radiated energy” consists of the following standards under the main heading:

ISO 11451-1 Part 1: General principles and terminology

ISO 11451-2 Part 2: External radiation sources

ISO 11451-3 Part 3: Built-in transmitter simulation

ISO 11451-4 Part 4: Bulk current injection (BCI)

ISO 11451-5 Part 5: Reverberation chamber