Insulated Equipment Type

Insulated Equipment Test is conducted in accordance with the International Agreement on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs and Special Equipment (ATP). ATP is an international treaty signed by 50 countries to regulate the transportation of perishable foods under specific conditions using specialized transport equipment and refrigeration units. The ATP convention covers the transportation guidelines for chilled or frozen products such as meat, dairy, seafood, and ice cream, but it does not include fresh fruits and vegetables.

The objective of ATP tests is to ensure adequate temperature control and sustainability of perishable foods during transportation, considering both their quality and food safety. Some member countries have incorporated ATP convention conditions, which apply to international transportation, into their domestic transportation regulations to enhance the quality and safety of perishable foods.

ECATEST, ATP insulated equipment type tests, are conducted on specialized transport equipment designed for transporting perishable food items outlined in the agreement. The ATP convention encompasses a broad range of insulated equipment, ranging from semi-trailers to small commercial vehicles, as well as tank-type liquid food carriers. Additionally, insulated containers with a volume of less than 2 m³ are also subject to certification under the ATP convention.

In addition to insulated equipment, systems such as mechanical cooling/heating devices and eutectic plates are also certified according to the ATP convention.
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